The FS Stewardship Pledge is our promise to the agriculture industry, the environment, and our farmer owners that we will promote and recommend products and practices that highlight our commitment to Sustainable Best Management Practices.
These products and practices include but are not limited to:
► The 4R principles – Right Source, Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place 
► Nitrogen stabilizers, Nitrification inhibitors, Nitrogen volatilization products
► Agronomic and Environmentally sound nutrient recommendations
► Applied Research focused on minimizing environmental impact, optimizing harvest yield, and maximizing input utilization
Many of our FS Co-operatives in Canada are 4R Certified retail locations. These agri-retailers have passed a rigorous audit process, and continue to not only following the most up-to-date nutrient management guidelines, but that science-based best management practices (BMPs) for sustainable on-farm nutrient management are applied.
4R Designation is a voluntary program that allows agri-retailers across Canada to train their staff and align with the sustainability principles of 4R Nutrient Stewardship (Right Source @ Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place®). As a science-based framework for nutrient management, 4R Nutrient Stewardship offers verified best management practices to improve yields and economic returns while reducing impacts to the environment. (SOURCE: fertilizercanada.ca)